Monday, January 31, 2011

OHI Meet-Up

This past Saturday, January 29, I meet up with a few folks who are passionate about preservation: Mark, Nina and Lenore. It was great to chat with them over coffee and tea about Cleveland and the preservation plan for Ohio. I was happy to be able to share my knowledge with them, and it was a good to see my scholarship being worthwhile.

I am in school to provide a service for others. Without others benefiting from my hard work, there really isn't a point to the years of study. Preservation is one of those careers where you are in it for your greater community. Yes, I love the concept, I enjoy studying it, but I really enjoy sharing what I've learned.

The Ohio Historic Inventory is one of the methods we can use to document historic buildings, sites, and objects. It was a great affirmation to hear those at the meet up saying I presented it in a coherent manner. My biggest fear is having people stare at my blankly.

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